We aren't just a church with community Groups, we're a
church of community groups.
Community Groups are all about Uncommon Community. They are designed to
encourage men and women to grow as faithful followers of Jesus Christ and
hold the aim to increase group members' passion to worship Christ, walk with
Christ, and work for Christ.
We are convinced that disciples of Christ and disciple-makers for Christ are
most effectively developed in a community group environment where individuals
can connect with each other as they connect with Christ. Therefore, it is our
desire to see each person in our church family participating in a Community Group.
Community Groups are designed to be the weekly meeting place outside of the
worship service where friends are developed, biblical truth is discussed and applied,
encouragement is given, prayers are raised, accountability is welcomed, care is
given, and disciples are made. Each Community Group meets typically three times
a month at various times throughout the week.
For more information, contact